My Rock

I was about to pray the other night when the Lord put a verse on my heart. It was Psalm 18:2. It reads “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” I live by that verse. It is my motto and my go-to-verse in times of trouble. Do you have a go-to-verse? Do you have a verse you can pull out of your emergency box anytime you need it? I want to encourage you today to find those scriptures you can always rely on and that will always lift up your spirits. There are so many verses to pick from but some of them speak to us more and give us just what we need. Let me tell you what this verse does for me. 

We live in a world where we constantly need reassurance that things are going to be ok. We need to have a safe haven, a light of hope and a reason to believe that life is indeed good. Some people find refuge in addictions that take them on trips far away from reality. Some people see money as a source of refuge and other people put their faith in human beings they live up to. Having the Lord as a refuge seems iffy to some people who can’t possibly rely on a person they can’t see. I made the Lord my refuge a while ago but it didn’t happen right when I got saved. It took me some time before I was able to firmly say He was my Savior. It’s like driving. You learn to drive but you don’t totally master it until after you have received your license and you have found yourself in many different driving situations. You accept the Lord but you don’t fully understand what having Him as your Lord means until you have experienced life with Him and you have spent time with His Spirit. Once I got it, I was sold. 

“The Lord is my rock.” When I need a strong argument against the enemy and all his adversity, I use the Lord as my best justification. He is the reason why I can stand against all odds and find peace in the middle of the worst storms. He is solid and indestructible. He is not just any rock. He is my Rock, the one that repels all attacks. Imagine having a refuge made of indestructible rock. Imagine a refuge that won’t let anything in when there is hail and thunderstorms. That’s how God is and that’s how I see Him. I notice the bad storms. I notice the terrible weather looming but I notice my stronghold more and I take my eyes off the menacing precipitation. That’s what it means to have God as my shield. Find the verse that will weather any storm. Put your faith in His Word and you will get out of any tough situation. Stay encouraged!

Suggested reading: Psalm 144:2; Jeremiah 16:19; Hebrews 2:13

2 thoughts on “My Rock

  1. Reblogged this on After Emmanuel and commented:
    I have so many times needed to remember that God is my strength, my support, my protection, and a strong mountain from which I can view life. Thinking of God as my Rock has always given me the strength and courage to press on. This is a great blog and I wanted to share it with you.


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