I love how God invites us to be with Him. He wants us to realize that He is present, He cares and He wants us to enjoy His company. He enjoys our company very much. He loves spending the day with us. He never leaves. He never takes a break from us. We are the ones who disconnect from Him or who don’t connect at all. I was reminded last week about my daily walk with God. I am aware of it but sometimes when I get too busy, it’s like I am walking alone. I lose sight of the One who really matters. The One who reminds me to walk with Him. “Walk with Me” is what I heard during prayer time last week. I needed to hear that. I needed to tell myself that the most important part of my day is all day because God is with me all day. I need to keep in mind that I am not walking alone in this life. I walk with God. I walk with love. I walk with hope. I hope with blessings. I walk with peace. That is the path I should follow. I don’t want to stray from this walk. It is the best walk ever.

Today the Lord is asking you to walk with Him in case you have been taking a different path. We all get busy and preoccupied with the affairs of life. Life takes us on a spin and we can easily lose focus. However, our walk with God is real. It never ends and we ought to embrace it. We can have the worst day ever but when we are aware of who we are walking with, everything gets better. Everything gets lighter. The Lord said we should take up His yoke. It is light. It is not cumbersome and it is never heavy. When we walk with God, He carries our burdens and our problems. We can give Him everything that is weighing us down. A walk with God is a walk of peace and a walk of victory. Friend, you are walking with the King of kings. You are in the best company ever! Celebrate Him!

Walking with God doesn’t mean that we will never have issues but it means that we are always with the solution. We are always with the impossible made possible. “Walk with Me” is what the Lord is calling us to do because He knows that He can pave the way for blessings, for triumph and for better days. Think about what it’s like to be on a long journey with someone. You can talk to them or listen to them. If you are close, the communication is beautiful. Get closer to God and enjoy an amazing walk. A walk where you hear hope and words of encouragement. When you walk with the Lord, you have all you need. You are all set. Remember your daily companion. Lift Him up and stay with Him. He is always by your side. Show Him that you are aware of His presence. Have a great walk! May God bless you and protect you and remember that Jesus is alive and well and He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Genesis 5:24; Micah 6:8; 1 John 2:6

10 nuggets of wisdom for your Saturday (Part 290)

Keep praising God and you will get a touch of Heaven. God inhabits the praises of His people and makes Heaven collide with earth when they praise Him!

The size of your bank account doesn’t reflect the size of your God. Your God can increase the size of your bank account but seek Him first before you seek money!

Some life challenges are tests of our faith. As students of God’s ways, we can pass the tests as long as we pay more attention to the Teacher than we pay attention to the difficulty of the lesson.

When Jesus rose from the dead, He opened a door of blessings that has been kept wide open. We can walk through that door every day by faith. Walk into your blessings in Jesus’ name!

Meditating on the Word of God allows you to develop patterns of hope that become mental habits. Keep those habits up and your faith will get stronger.

Thank You, Lord for the gift of your love. Thank You that it is always free and it is always available. I praise You Lord Jesus, my King of Love!

A king has authority over his territory. Jesus is your King and He has authority over your life so trust and obey Him. Let Him rule over your life with His love and power.

The Lord makes sure that my cup overflows so I can share His blessings with people around me.

Anything, absolutely anything is possible with God. Receive that message and trust that nothing can stop God from blessing you!

Loving out loud is a beautiful thing. It is making sure that our love for others is much louder than the voices of hatred that are in the world.

Suggested reading: Luke 6:38; John 1:16; 3 John 1:2

Giving freely

“One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.”* This verse from the book of Proverbs came up the other day and I studied it for bit. Gods wants us to give freely. Giving freely is one of God’s traits. He gives in abundance. He gives all the time. God is a giver and not a taker. We might think that He wants to get things from us by asking us to praise Him and to honor Him. These things are extremely good for us. Giving the sacrifice of praise is an amazing sacrifice. When we do it, we receive. We receive peace, joy, hope and love. God wants us to give Him praise so we can receive great blessings from Heaven. In that sense, we see that God is a giver. What He wants from us is sent back to us in a heavenly package, multiplied and wonderful.

Giving is more important than receiving. We are called to be givers. Givers of love. Givers of peace. Givers of joy and givers of hope. We are to spread the Word and bring good news. Today I want to encourage you to give freely. Give Jesus freely to people in your life. You don’t have to preach on a soapbox. All you have to do is give love. Jesus is love. Love is in you and with you and you can give it freely to anyone and everyone. What does that look like? It will vary and depend on people and circumstances but the Holy Spirit, the Fortress of love, will guide you and help you spread love. Someone around you needs Jesus. Someone around you needs love. Someone around you is lost and could use a guiding light. Be that guiding light of hope for them. Be the spokesperson for love and give love freely. Love could be just sitting down and listening to that person. Love could be praying for that person. Love could be spending time with that person. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit the best way you can give and keep giving.

Giving freely is one great way we can express our identity in Christ. Love is the main characteristic of our identity in Christ and we should display it and spread it all the time. I remember a time when I felt spiritually dull. Something was missing. Something seemed off. I couldn’t figure it out and I couldn’t shake that strange feeling until I found out that I wasn’t walking in love enough. I was keeping love to myself. I wasn’t expressing it and I wasn’t giving it a chance to bless others. Once I stepped into the circle of giving and it became a precious cycle of love and generosity, my spiritual life took off. It was as if I had flipped on a switch. I gave myself a chance to be the giver the Lord wanted me to be. I walked hand in hand with love and I let love speak more than my ego and my insecurities. Love transcends everything and it will always change us when we give it a go. Let’s give freely every day, friend. Let’s give and not think about what we are going to gain. Let’s give like Jesus gives. Let’s give so people can get to know the Love that died for them. Let’s be givers who give with passion and compassion. May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Deuteronomy 16:11; Proverbs 24:11*; 2 Corinthians 9:7

Speak up so they can hear you

To speak up is to speak more loudly or to express one’s opinions frankly and openly. The other morning when I was praying, I heard deep down in my spirit, “Speak up so they can hear you.” I knew it was a message of the Lord so I spent some time meditating on it. What came out of that short meditation was very interesting and encouraging. When we are faced with bad situations and we are dealing with problems, we have a tendency to feel small and diminished. We want to crawl into a small space and disappear or hide. At least that is what happens to me and to some people I know.

Spending time dwelling on the problems can suppress our faith and make us feel powerless. The Lord doesn’t want to see His people oppressed and intimidated by the enemy. He wants us all to stand tall and stand strong. He wants us to speak the Word of God loudly and proclaim victory in every situation. When trials and tribulations begin, we should begin our chant so to speak. We should say loudly and proudly that we are covered by the blood of the Lamb and we are more than conquerors in the name of Jesus. We should speak up so that our problems can hear us. We should speak up so that our doubts can hear us. We should speak up so that fear can hear us. We should speak up so that the devil can hear us. We should speak up so that anything and everything that is against us can hear us.

Today I want to encourage you to speak up. Speak hope and faith loudly. Speak victory loudly. Speak deliverance loudly. Speak triumph loudly and above all speak the name of Jesus loudly. Be so loud that your doubts and fear become quiet. Speak so loudly that the faith in you is stirred up and you are ready to go. Speak so loudly that the enemy gets confused at your attitude and doesn’t understand why you are not crying. Speak so loudly that your environment is impregnated with hope and joy. Speak words of hope, friend. Speak words of joy, friend. Speak words of peace, friend. Speak up in the name of Jesus and the enemy will shut up!

Now, you can speak up with more than words. Let your actions and your deeds speak a message of hope and a message of victory. Align what you do with faith. Align what you do with hope. Align what you do with triumph. Your actions speak louder than words and they matter a lot. Don’t act as if your problems were going to crush you. Act boldly with faith. Act as a free person in the name of Jesus. Act with love. Walk in love. Don’t let your problems make you bitter and unpleasant. Tap into the joy of the Lord. Sing. Sing praises. Sing songs of worship. Be grateful. Show gratitude to the Lord and be thankful.

Do everything you can to make a loud statement of faith and to march in victory. Be loud in the name of Jesus. Be loud with your words and with your attitude. Speak up so the enemy can hear you every day, on good days and on bad days. Speak up so that negative thoughts can hear you and walk away. Speak up so that the Lord in you is louder than the enemy that is in the world. You have a voice of hope and it needs to be heard. Let it all out. Let it out loudly in the name of Jesus. May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Hebrews 4:16; 1 Timothy 1:7-8; 1 John 5:14

He will supply all your needs

God promised that He would supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. He did not say some of your needs but all your needs which is an amazing promise. He didn’t make that promise halfheartedly. He didn’t say He would supply your needs some of the time. God is not a temporary God. He doesn’t promise to do an incomplete job. He is thorough and He does all things well. When He says He will supply your needs, He means it. He is faithful and He keeps His word. Do you have needs today? Do you have something that needs to be taken care of? God can do it. God can supply the very thing that you have been lacking.

Now, it is your job to believe that He is true to His word and to trust that He can supply your needs. I invite you to meditate on that promise. Spend time thinking about what that means for you and how it impacts your life. God can give you every single thing that you need. You might not know all that you need but you can ask Him to reveal your needs to you. Keep in mind that what you want is not necessarily what you need. What you want is often not what you need. God didn’t say He would supply all your wants. He said that He would give you the desires of your heart. Those desires should align with His will. If you want a mansion and you don’t have a place to live, your need is shelter and that is what He can supply. If you want a million dollars and your bank account is in the red, what you need is money to get you out of debt. He can supply that need. Does this mean He can’t give you a mansion and millions? He can do anything but He is more concerned with your needs and meeting them.

What are your needs today? Make a list. Ask God to show you everything that you need and then thank Him that He said He would supply your needs. You can turn it into a prayer and say, “Lord, You promised that You would supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory. I am in need of money to pay my bills (for instance). Thank You for supplying my needs and for paying my bills. In Jesus’ holy name I pray.” I have said this prayer many times. I still do and I hold on to that confession. The goal here is to persevere even when the odds seem to be against you. Keep making the same declaration. Keep siding with your faith. Keep believing and keep acting according to your belief. The Lord will indeed supply your needs. Watch Him do His thing. He is excellent at supplying all our needs. There is nothing too big for Him. He is not limited by anything. Think about that!

God will supply your needs according to His riches in glory. Rejoice because your God is going to give you all you need and more. He is going to bless you and assist you. Keep your hopes up. Something great is coming your way. Count on God. Count on His endless provision and count on His faithful. May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Psalm 118:24; Philippians 4:19; Ephesians 3:20

The hope that never dies

Hope is the main theme of the messages I receive when I read the Word of God and when I am in prayer. Our Lord is such a God of hope. Hope is what this world needs. The world makes us believe that all is lost and we can’t do anything about our dismissal situations. The world can even drain the hope of the believers. When we let the world get big in our lives, when we let the world take root in our spirit, we condition ourselves for a lack of hope. I have found that the less time I spend in prayer and in the Word, the less hope I have.

When I am focusing on Jesus and I spend time with Him, my level of hope is high. I like that kind of high. There is a rush and spiritual adrenaline that show me that anything is possible with the Lord. I used to get that high hope on Sunday at church. Then I learned how to get it every day of the week. God is not just the God of Sundays. He is the God of every day and His hope is alive and well every day. Today I want to remind you that there is always hope in the Lord. You might have heard this message a hundred times but it doesn’t hurt to hear it over and over again. Hope is here to stay, friend. Fill up with hope. Hold on to the hope of the Lord. Your situation is far from behind hopeless!

Appearances can be deceiving. The way things look can be a major lie. When you scan your circumstances with the truth of the Lord’s hope, you are made aware of the lies of the enemy. The lies tell you that you are doomed and that nothing and no one can save you. Things can look so bad that you can’t think of a way out or of a solution. Jesus is always your solution. He is always your way out. He is always your hope. Keep your hope in the Lord. He will always help you. He will always set you free. Jesus is the hope that never dies. He died once for your sins and for your salvation. He died so you would always have hope and you would always be able to get out of trouble. He didn’t die so you would never have trials and tribulations. He died so you could make it through those trials and you could conquer the tribulations in His name. The hope of the world keeps on living and He will always be with you. If you can’t see any hope today, turn on the light of the Word of God. Turn on the faucet of prayers and start praying. Pray until your mind and your heart are flooded with the River of hope.

The Lord has shown me multiple times that His hope was with me. His hope has not left my side. I just need to look on the right side of my heart and I cab find hope again. When my heart is attacked by fear and doubt, I can’t see hope as well. I just need to thank the Lord for being my eternal hope and meditate on Him. Do you ever meditate on the Lord? I do. I close my eyes and run a verse about the Lord over and over in my head. I like to repeatedly say that greater is the Lord that is in me than the devil that is in the world or in the situation I am facing. That form of meditation is very powerful. It helps me focus on the truth, the way and the life. It puts Jesus on a pedestal and it minimizes my problems. When Jesus is magnified, hope is strong. Let’s magnify Jesus every day. Our daily hope and Savior. Friend, hope is alive and well and you are going to get through whatever is happening in your life now. Hang in there. Hope is on your side. Stay encouraged! May God bless you and protect and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Psalm 147:11; Romans 12:12; Romans 15:4

A simple prayer you can say

Every time you feel overwhelmed, say “Lord, I surrender this to you. I can’t deal with this whole mess on my own. I need You and I thank You for your help.” It is a simple prayer that is packed with power. Why? Because first of all you are turning to God. Every time you turn to God, you are doing the right thing. You are acknowledging that He is God and that you need Him. Your ego gets out of the way and you demonstrate that you believe that God can help. You make a statement of faith by just turning to God. You show yourself vulnerable and dependent on God. Dependency is what He wants. He wants us all to rely on Him and to dependent solely on Him. Let’s rely on Him right away. Let’s say that prayer before we worry and create a whole disastrous scenario. Let’s say that prayer before negative thoughts start haunting our minds. Let’s say that prayer before fear and worry settle in our hearts and make a nest of despair and misery. Let’s say that prayer before our circumstances appear to be too big for anyone to handle. Let’s say that prayer before hope is completely gone and doubt takes over.

Surrendering a situation to God is putting it all in His hands. It is knowing and trusting that God can handle it. Our job is to believe that He can do what He says He can. What He says is that He can help us and that He is our refuge and hope in all situations. When we surrender and give something to God, we shouldn’t take it back. We should walk with confidence knowing that God is in control. Every time we speak doubt, we take back the problems. Surrendering means giving it away to God. We can’t give our worries and problems to God one day and take them back the next day. We can do that but it won’t produce any good fruit. It is not an effective way to pray. Give it all to God and stay strong. Give it all to God and live your life by displaying faith and trust in God. Your situation will most likely not change overnight but until it changes you need to walk by faith and not by sight. You need to walk the walk and talk the talk. When worry hits you, hit it back with declarations of faith. Say that you prayed to God and that He heard you and He is taking care of the situation. You can’t change anything with doubt and worry. Your faith can change everything. It is pleasing to God and it activates His hand. Stick to the words you said in the simple prayer and let those words be your reality.

You need God. He is there for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. When you say that simple prayer, He hears you. He sees your heart. He has always known your needs and He wants to see your faith in action. Like I established earlier, saying that prayer is speaking faith. It is speaking faith into your problem and expecting God to take care of it all. He will. He will do something about it. Once you have said that prayer, keep thanking Him. Thank Him for listening and for intervening in your life. Thank Him for blessing you and for assisting you. Thank Him for His perfect answer to your prayer. Thank Him because He is good all the time and He is not going to let you down. Thank Him for making a way where there seemed to be no way. Thank Him for all the right things and all the positive things He is doing in your life even if you don’t see them yet. Pray that simple prayer and enjoy life. Pray that simple prayer and praise God daily after the prayer. Pray that simple prayer and see the amazing things God do in your life. Turn to Him all the time and expect answers, blessings, miracles and breakthroughs. Pray. God has already heard you. May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Mark 11:24; Matthew 6:6; Colossians 4:2

The potential of your faith

When I moved into my new place, I liked the shower a lot but I found it to be a bit weak. I couldn’t get a lot of water out of the shower head. I felt like it didn’t work to its full potential. One day, after a while, I discovered that there was a way for the water to come out at full force. All I had to do was twist the handle and move it toward me and the shower was very strong. I couldn’t believe it. I felt a bit silly because for weeks I had missed out on the power of my shower. I didn’t understand its full potential until it dawned on me that I could change it. This made me think about faith. We can have faith that we use at a low level.

We don’t always understand its full potential. We are content with the stream of faith that comes into our lives but we barely scratch the surface of what faith can do. Faith is like a faucet or a shower head that can has different settings. How do we get to use it at its potential? The Bible tells us that faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God. This means that the more we hear the Word of God, the more faith can grow in us. Now, what should we read in the Bible? It is a big book. I would suggest reading the accounts of miracles and of people with great faith. People who stayed with faith no matter what. My encouragement to you today is that you discover the full potential of your faith. Work the with Holy Spirit and He will guide you through the process. Rely on Him and He will show you what to do.

Working with the Holy Spirit sounds like a daunting task but it is not at all. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus. He is the companion that Jesus gave us and as believers we can fellowship with Him and He dwells in us. Picture Him as being the GPS from God who always knows the best direction and who never gets lost. The way I work with the Holy Spirit is through prayer and worship. I talk a lot about the power of praise and worship. It is a very powerful way to live. I think personal praise and worship are underrated in the church and people would tap into an amazing power if they only knew how to praise the Lord more than they worried. It is more than a practice. It should be a lifestyle.

When we worship the Lord from a sincere heart, we connect with His Spirit and we become familiar with Him. The whole experience gives our faith a boost. It truly transforms us on the inside. Praise, worship and prayer are life changing habits that keep us grounded in the Lord and that influence our faith in a beautiful fashion. In those moments of praise and worship, we are made aware of the potential of our faith. Sustained praise shows us that nothing is impossible to God. We get into the realm of the impossible made possible and our eyes of faith are open wider.

The potential of your faith is tremendous. The Lord tells us that our faith can move mountains. Think about that! Think about how powerful that is. Your faith can move the biggest hurdles in your life and the biggest obstacles. Faith can help you climb the mountains of distress and find yourself on the other side. There is nothing your faith can’t do when it is founded on the Lord and it is boosted by the Holy Spirit. I also like to boost my faith by making great declarations of faith. Remember that faith comes from hearing so if you hear yourself speak faith, your faith will actually get stronger.

If you hear yourself speak words of doubt and defeat, your faith in the negative will grow as well. You will be more inclined to lost faith and lose hope. God wants us to have faith but He has given us the equipment we need to work on our faith. I find that the Holy Spirit has many awesome pieces of advice that can boost our faith. He will give you exactly what you need and He will indicate the path of faith that you need to follow. Trust that He is the God of faith and He can give you more faith. Before you know it, your faith will be like a powerful shower head that sprays faith all over your life. You will get showers of faith that will keep you in the hope of the Lord. Stay encouraged and keep on working on the potential of your faith. May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Mark 9:23; Romans 10:17; Galatians 2:17

There is freedom

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”* I love reading this verse especially in hard times. It tells us that there is always a chance to receive freedom. The Spirit of the Lord is everywhere. He is omnipresent. That is why we can conclude that there is freedom everywhere. God has made freedom available to you and me. He is present everywhere we go so we can have freedom everywhere we are. Are you in a place where there is oppression? Are you in a place where there is pressure and stress? You can be freed from the stress and the anxiety caused by the enemy. You can find freedom today. The Spirit of God is there to give you freedom and to set you free. If trials and tribulations are staring you in the face with a fierce look, stare back with hope. Stare back and tell your problems that there is freedom in the Lord. Talk to your difficulties and declare that Jesus provides freedom. Say that freedom is coming. Claim that you are free from all oppression of the enemy. The enemy will make you focus on your problems and he will make you say that you are in bondage and that you are stuck. He will make you want to give up and stay in a state of turmoil. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. You can have freedom now!

Freedom is the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. When you are going through a difficult time, you feel like you are in a prison of distress and fear. Problems can cause a lot of fear and worry and keep us in a negative mental cell. God is the God of freedom. He doesn’t want any of us to go through tough seasons in a negative cell. Problems cannot be avoided but we can be free from worry and fear that come with them. How? Through the Lord. He is an expert at giving His children freedom. When I was starting my job, stress tried to take over my mind and my heart. The enemy kept stressing the fact that I had very little money and no place to live. I prayed. I prayed more than usual. My prayers were mostly about thanking the Lord for being my provider. I thanked Him for the freedom I had in Him. The freedom to live my life through Him and to be able to do everything I needed to do. I kept saying that He provided all my needs according to His riches in glory. That daily confession made a huge difference in my heart. I experienced freedom. I felt so much freedom even though my life was far from being ideal. My circumstances were not the best but the Lord had the best intentions for me and He was faithful.

It helped me a lot to learn that the Spirit of the Lord was everywhere. He is not just in church. He is not just with the pastor. He is not just with the chosen few. If you believe in Jesus, He is in you. If you don’t know who Jesus is, He is there as well. He is everywhere. He is not just with believers. The difference is that He indwells the believers but He is around everyone. A lot of people don’t know Him and don’t acknowledge Him but think about when you got saved. The Holy Spirit was part of the process. He points us to Jesus. He leads us to Jesus. He wouldn’t be able to assist in the salvation process if He were not there with all of us. Just know and remember that He is always present and with His presence comes freedom. You can be free today. Ask for freedom from whatever is keeping you in bondage now. The Lord will set you free. He will give you peace, joy and hope. He can do that. He can do it easily. Trust the Lord of freedom. He is present and He has the power to set you free from anything. May the Lord bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: 1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Corinthians 3:17*; Galatians 5:13-14

Running after what truly matters

God is so good all the time. I can’t believe I spent so many years ignoring Him and not pursuing Him. He is Someone we should all pursue. He is so willing and ready to hold us in His arms of love and to tell us that everything is going to be more than ok. All He wants us to do is trust Him. Yet we wander away from Him and we don’t follow Him. We don’t run after Him. At least sometimes we don’t run after Him first. We run after money, after wealth, after love, after fame and after success. If only we changed the order of our pursuit in life, we would get things right. Running after God is what we should prioritize. He is the One we should try to find and get to know better. He is more precious than gold. He is better than fame. He is kinder than the world. He is everything and everyone we will ever need. We don’t need to look any further. We should look to Him and run after Him. When my eyes are on Jesus and I can’t see anything else, my eyes are in the right place and my life falls into place. When I change my priorities and I look at the world for satisfaction and for peace, I get in trouble. Everything is out of order and chaos ensues. My question for you today is, are you running after what truly matters? Are you running after God or do you find the world more appealing?

This question is not meant to make you feel bad or to convict you in any way. It is a question I ask myself a lot. The answer is not always the right answer. When I find myself in a jam, I have to reevaluate my decisions, my choices and my priorities. Oftentimes I find a big unbalance and I need to tilt the scale on the other side. When I put the world and all its attractions on the side of the scale that is heavier, I realize that things need to change. I was never meant to pursue fortune and fame. I was never meant to love money and to love the appreciation of others. I was meant to worship the Lord. I was meant to seek His kingdom first. I was meant to be a vessel of His love. I was meant to spread His Word and to encourage and inspire others. I was meant to put God and others first. That is what I am supposed to run after. I am supposed to run after love, catch up to it and distribute it freely. My pursuit of love is a daily pursuit. My pursuit of Jesus is a daily pursuit. Running after Jesus is never in vain. Running after Jesus is a worthy pursuit that should never end. I am learning to get into my own race after Jesus. A race against no one else. I have my own race and I am going at my own pace. I am not comparing myself with others. I keep my eyes on what matters. I run after what matters and I go with the flow of the Holy Spirit.

Running after what matters is not easy. The world can be so seductive and appealing. It tries to make us think with our flesh and not with our spirit. The desire for riches and for success stems from the flesh. Anything that puts us first or that puts our ego on a pedestal, goes agains the pursuit of God’s love. We step outside of His will when we want to be number one and we want to overtake others. There are movements out there that promote self improvement with the idea that our well being should come before others’ well being. We do need to take care of ourselves and we can build ourselves up in the Lord but we should pursue loving others and helping them more. That is a great race for all of us. The race to showing as much love as we can. The race to being more like Jesus. The race to lifting God up and making sure people are taken care of and loved. We can run and run after all the wrong things and our soul and spirit will never be satisfied. We will find peace for a season and turmoil for a lifetime if we stay in the wrong race. Let’s run after the heart of God. Let’s try and discover what He wants us to do. We can find that out when we run after what truly matters. Let’s keep running after the One who saves the world. Let’s keep running after the One who is the truth, the way and the life! May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Psalm 119:32; Matthew 6:33; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27