God doesn’t disappoint

Isn’t it great and amazing to know that we have a God who never lets us down? He never disappoints and He never disappears. Sometimes we might feel like He is gone and we might think that He is not coming through. That is not the truth. Our mind plays games with us and it tries to draw a wrong picture of our God. If we follow that drawing, we start doubting and we start losing parts of our faith. God is faithful. God is good all the time. What we need to do is build up our vision of God and increase our faith in how He is. He is always, always by our side. He is always full of love for us and He always watches us. He is amazing and He is powerful all the time. We can count on Him and we can always rely on Him. Friend, build up your trust in God. Solidify your faith and keep tapping in the love of the Lord. He is with you now and He will be with you forever. It doesn’t matter how you feel. Know that He is God all the time even during the hard times.

God won’t let you down. When bad things happen, don’t blame God. He is not the author of evil. He is the opposite and He creates the opposite of what the opposition creates. He is there to comfort you and to help you. He won’t let you go through the fires of life alone. He will make you fireproof when you remain in Him. Your goal is to hold on to the truth. The truth being that God is always by your side and He never lets you down. You can rest assured that when the going gets tough, God is tougher. When trials and tribulations keep showing up in your life, God is there with you. He has a key and a solution for everything. He won’t let you fend for yourself. Take steps of faith every day knowing that you are covered, you are protected and you are loved. God is extremely good all the time and He is not about to let you down.

You can always count on God. God so loved you that He gave His only Son to die in your place so you would have eternal life. A life filled with His love. A life of blessings. A life of triumph. A life of peace. There will still be difficulties in this life but God is with you. He is doing life with you and He will get you through anything. Believe it. Believe it even when all seems lost. God is true to His word. He is not going to abandon you. He is not going to desert you. He is with you 24/7. Trust Him 24/7. Praise Him as much as you can. He is worthy of your praise all the time. Stay strong and stay in the Lord. God never disappoints! May God bless you and protect you and remember that Jesus is alive and well and He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Isaiah 41:10; Deuteronomy 31:8; Matthew 1:23

10 nuggets of wisdom for your Saturday (Part 326)

There is a miracle in the making. God is preparing something amazing for you. Keep trusting Him. He won’t let you down!

God makes sure everything works out for the best even when you can’t find any rest. He is working behind the scenes so rely on Him and stay in peace. He has everything under control!

Hold on to hope. Hold on to the hope of the Lord. His hope is alive and well. There is always hope with Jesus!

Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. He is the way into your next blessing. The truth that stands against the lies of the enemy and the only source of life you need!

Here is a reminder: God’s got you in the palm of His hand and His hand is big enough to cover you and to protect you wherever you are!

Anchor your faith in the truth. The truth is that God can’t be stopped. He is powerful and invincible. He can do all things and He is going to bless you exceedingly more than you can imagine!

Your life is not a challenge for God. He can handle it all. He can handle everything. Trust Him wholeheartedly!

You were meant to be loved. God loves you more than you know and He loves your company. He never gets tired of you. No matter what you do and no matter who you are. You are loved by the Savior!

Jesus is the Savior who changes everything. He can change your life and make it a place of peace, love, joy and hope. Give Him your attention and He will show you His salvation!

God truly rejoices over you. He is delighted to have you and He enjoys your company. Rejoice over the One who never gets tired of rejoicing over you!

Suggested reading: Job 12:12-13; Psalm 19:7; Matthew 7:24

God loves rejoicing over you

When I found out that the Lord rejoices over me, it made me very happy. Now it sustains me. It keeps me going. It keeps me believing. It keeps me trying. It keeps me thinking about the goodness of God. God rejoices over His people. All the time. He doesn’t rejoice over us only when we are good or when we do something amazing. He is a glad and proud Father. He loves that we are with Him and He is delighted to be in our company.

God loves your company. Think about that. Think about it when life is giving you a hard time and you don’t feel loved or wanted. God wants to be with you. He wants you to know that He rejoices over you. He wants you to remember every day that every day with you is a day of celebration. You are worth a celebration. You are worth it. You are the reason why God rejoices. When you put it that way, it makes everything look better. I want to reiterate that truth today. God rejoices over you, friend and no one and nothing can change it.

Rejoicing over you is not a chore for God. He doesn’t feel like it’s too much. He loves doing it. You make Him happy. You made Him glad. You make Him proud. Dust off your self-esteem and learn about how much the Lord loves you. Learn about how precious you are to Him. I strongly suggest that you do a Bible study about how much God loves. Not to brag and not for you to get a big heart but so that you get to know God better. We tend to think about a distant and a stern God. He is closer than we can ever imagine and He is joyful. You are the why when it comes to His joy.

You are the apple of God’s eyes and He sees you as a unique and wonderful fruit. You are the fruit of His love. He created you in His image and in His mind you are perfect. He didn’t make a mistake when He created you. Rejoice over the One who rejoices over you. Learn to rejoice over God’s love. Be glad that Jesus is glad and that you are the reason why He is glad. God loves you so much and you need to keep that in mind all the time. May God bless you and protect you and remember that Jesus is alive and well and He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Zephaniah 3:17; Psalm 37:4; John 3:16

Refuse the garbage

We hear so many things every day. Most of it is bad and negative. A lot of it is garbage. Garbage that we are used to hearing and that we accept as the truth. Our minds get polluted by the negativity that seems so real and so true. No wonder the Bible tells us to renew our minds and to let God’s truth be the main truth in our lives. We have to keep working on letting His truth sink in and letting it all be the truth beyond any shadow of doubt.

 God doesn’t operate on the same platform as the world. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We need to elevate ourselves and reach that level where the truth of the Gospel reigns and we can share the mind of Christ. Today I want to encourage you to refuse the garbage the world keeps serving you. Sit at the table of the Lord instead of kneeling down to the level of the garbage that will never serve you.

Refuse the garbage of the world. It is so wrapped in negativity and it is fueled by the lies of the enemy. This garbage is so wide and large that we can’t see its end and we accept it all as the absolute truth because we have been conditioned to accept it and to embrace it. An example of this garbage is the idea that we will not amount to anything or we will not get anywhere. We are made to believe that we won’t go far in life. We see obstacles and barriers and we take them as the limitations that keep us from moving forward.

 We see limitations that cannot be removed. Limitations that put our lives in boxes of defeat. We need to refuse that garbage. We, believers in Christ, can’t let those limitations control our lives. The Lord is in charge. He has the power to remove all limits and to destroy anything the enemy puts in front of us. We can’t declare defeat. With Jesus we are not defeated. We are winners and we are triumphant. Let’s walk with our heads up high knowing that the garbage of the world is not for us to keep. We are Kings and queens thanks to the Lord.

Let’s see at the table of the Lord every day. At His table there are no lies and there is no garbage. His table is full of His goodness. His goodness that always satisfies. Friend, thank God for His table. Thank God for all He has for you. Thank God for His unlimited love. His unlimited love limits the power of the enemy when you trust it and you believe it. Refuse the garbage of the world. It is poison to your faith and it can be detrimental to your spirit. Thank God for His truth! May God bless you and protect you and remember that Jesus is alive and well and He will always love you!

Suggested reading: 1 Kings 17:24; John 14:6; Ephesians 6:14

Your life is not a challenge to God

This message is in the same vein as yesterday’s message. Yesterday I talked about how our God can’t be stopped. Today I want to add to that message and say that our life isn’t a challenge for our God. Whatever we go through. Whatever problem we face is not too big for our God. You must have heard me say this before and I believe I have to keep saying it. Friend, your life is not a challenge to God. Your problems, your difficulties and your trials are not too complicated for God to solve. He is not fazed by anything that happens to you. Take your biggest challenge and present it to God. He won’t shy away from it. He won’t run away from it. He won’t throw His hands up in defeat. No. Your God can challenge anything that challenges you. He always wins. Nothing is impossible to Him and you might need that reminder today.

Your challenging life has a remedy. Your current bad breaks have an end. Your present suffering has an expiration date. Jesus is your remedy, the end to your problems and the expiration date for your tribulations. He can put an end to all that is bothering you. He can cancel the plans of the enemy. He can destroy what’s meant to destroy you. Now, you need to have faith that He can do all these things. You don’t need much faith. Just enough to get into the door of the house of the Lord. In His house there is peace. There is victory. There is joy. There is hope. Get inside the door of hope and ask the Lord to assist you. He can do it all. Like I said, He is not challenged by anything. Take a step of faith and enter the realm of the impossible made possible.

To you your problems might seem like giants. Giants that are too big to be conquered. Those giants are microscopic ants to the Lord. They are so tiny in His sight that He can’t even see them. He doesn’t ignore them. He knows they are there and He knows you are dealing with a lot but He has the assurance that nothing is too hard for Him. He knows how to deal with every single part of your problems. He knows how to lighten your load and how to erase the pain. He can handle anything and everything so give it all to God. Give Him your trust and He will do the rest. God is going to do something truly amazing in your life. He is going to turn things around and put a giant smile on your face that will challenge any giant in your life. You have seen nothing yet. God is going to challenge your worst nightmare and turn it into a dream! May God bless you and protect you and remember that Jesus is alive and well and He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Jeremiah 32:17; Matthew 19:26; Ephesians 3:20-21

The One who can’t be stopped

See God as the One who can’t be stopped. He can’t be stopped on His tracks. He is a bulldozer who makes all attacks of the enemy flat. He is the One who can destroy the powers of the enemy and who can deliver you from anything. His love is invincible. His love is more powerful than any force in the universe. That is how you should see your God. That is how you should approach your God. Don’t go to Him expecting mediocre results. Don’t go to Him expecting a genie in a bottle. He is God Almighty, the One who can’t be stopped. As you keep seeing Him for who He truly is, your faith in the truth will grow. Yes, friend, the truth is the same all the time and the truth is that God can’t ever be stopped. He is amazing and He is caring. He wants you to have great things. Great things are in line with His will so see Him with the eves of faith and keep your eyes on the One who can’t be stopped.

In the Bible we see examples of our God who couldn’t be stopped. One of those examples was when Jesus came into this world and Herod tried to find Him and kill Him. The enemy searched everywhere for Jesus and attempted to end His life so that the promises of God wouldn’t be fulfilled. No one could stop God. What was spoken a long time ago came to pass. Jesus grew up to be the Savior that the world had been waiting for and the truth reigned. The truth won. He died on the cross to save whoever believes in Him and to give them eternal life. It happened as planned. No one was able to stop our God. He did it. He did it well and He did it for all of us including you. Remember today that no one and nothing can stop your God.

The breakthrough you need. The blessing you have been waiting for. The miracle you have been dreaming about. They will come to pass. No one can stop God from blessing you. Have faith in that. Have faith and know that your God is unstoppable. He is amazing. He is powerful. He will get you through anything. The enemy can’t stop God from getting you out of the bad situation you are facing today. You have Jesus. You have the Holy Spirit. You have God the Father. You have all you need. You don’t have to worry about anything. Trust God. Trust the One who can’t be stopped. You are going to make it and you are going to be extremely blessed. Praise Him! May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Proverbs 19:21; Matthew 2:16; Acts 5:39

With God you can do anything

God says you can do anything through Him. You can do it! Every time the enemy tells you there is something you can’t do, turn to God. Turn to God for encouragement and for advice. He possesses the truth. He knows what you can do thanks to Him. It’s easy to listen to words of defeat and to be paralyzed before even trying. I think that is one of the major problems in Chris circles. We pay too much attention to the negative chatter and we believe what we think. We engage with those thoughts and we don’t make progress.

God is a God of progress. He is on the move. He does things. He changes things. He moves things. He moves mountains. Whatever mountain you  are facing today is not too big for God to move. You, God and your faith can move that mountain. It may appear to be a big deal but for God it is extremely simple. Today I want to encourage you to walk with God and work with God when it comes to doing what you have to do. Know and believe that with God nothing is too big and nothing is impossible. Think about God’s ability to do amazing things in your life and reject the thoughts of defeat!

With God you can truly do anything. Anything He puts in your heart and in your mind can be achieved. Now, it is important that you spend time in the Word and in prayer because that is where God will reveal great plans and great things that you can do. You might have heard that if your plans don’t scare you, they are not big enough or they are not God’s best. I struggled with that idea for a while but I understand that God is on another level. What He knows we can do and we should do is much bigger than what the world tells us we can accomplish.

The world sets human and physical limits. It sets emotional and spiritual limits. God is not limited. With Him we can do great things. With Him we can do much more than the eye can see. We can do what the eyes of faith see so we better activate those eyes and let them lead us. I find a lot of comfort and peace in prayer and adoration. They boost my faith and they open my eyes of faith wider. They show me the “scary things” God wants to do through me and they remind me that with God I can do anything.

Pump up your faith in the One who can do absolutely anything. Nothing is impossible to your God and you can be, you should be the recipient of His great deeds. Miracles can and will happen when you rely on God. When you lean on Him and trust Him through it all, you can do anything. You can do the things that your limited self tells you you can’t do. Listen to God. Listen to His powerful love. You can do anything today in His holy name. May God bless you and protect you and remember that Jesus is alive and well and He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37; Philippians 4:13

Going the Jesus route

Better days are coming. It is something that we can’t fathom at times because our days are so bad but God has made a promise to us. He promised that we would go from glory to glory and that He is with us always. He is a good God who cares about His children. He cares about you. He cares about you having better days. He will give them to you. Bad days will always come to pass but when they do, we have to turn away from them and turn to Jesus. We don’t have to ignore them but we have to stop focusing on the bad and on the negativity. Negativity feeds on negativity. If we think negatively without discriminating against that negativity, we will end up with a head full of lies and a heart full of hurt and grief. Bad days are a nest for negative thinking unless we go the Jesus route and decide to follow Him on good days and bad days. Let’s go the Jesus route all the time!

When you go the Jesus route, you are not afraid of obstacles. You keep going. You keep walking. You know that the Lord is with you so you go places without fear. When you go the Jesus route, you are totally abandoned to Him and you trust Him in everything. You walk with confidence. You walk with peace. You walk with joy. You walk with love. You walk with the blessed assurance that everything is going to be ok. You see danger and you recognize problems like I mentioned earlier but you choose to be brave and to be courageous. You choose to follow the Lord’s lead and you go at His pace. Not at your own pace. You follow in His footsteps by walking by faith and not by sight.

Going the Jesus route is not easy. It is not paved with beds of roses but it is paved with hope and with the truth. The truth that we get to know when we go the Jesus route is that the Lord is our Savior and no matter who is against us, He is with us. We know that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We know that there is always a way out with Jesus and we find that way out when we go His route.The Jesus route always leads to peace. It leads to great things. It leads to beautiful days. It is worth staying on His route and staying strong. Go the Jesus route. Follow His love and stay close to him. Abide in Him and remain in Him. You will always go places when you do that. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Let Him take you to where you will find blessings and love all the time. May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Deuteronomy 5:33; John 8:12; Ephesians 5:1

10 nuggets of wisdom for your Saturday (Part 325)

God will give you a new lease on life. He will open doors that were closed before and He will give you the green light in places where you only had a red light before!

You have seen nothing yet. A miracle is about to take place in your life and it is going to end your nightmare, challenge your thinking and give you a new reason to celebrate!

There is peace in your spirit. The Holy Spirit put it there. It might be covered by doubt, fear and worry so dig it out. Dig it out with praise, prayer and thanksgiving!

Be actively engaged in the process of faith. Speak faith. Speak positivity against the lies of the enemy. Be relentless with your confession of faith and the enemy will lose his control over your mind.

God’s love for you is a giant. A giant that protects you, that takes care of you and that always wins your battles!

God is outstanding and He is going to do outstanding things in your life. Expect great things. Expect God to exceed your expectations every day!

Tap into God’s joy with praise. He will give you many reasons to smile!

Proclaim that God still reigns even when you are going through trials and tribulations and He will make His blessings rain on you!

Don’t worry about anything. Trust God in every single situation. That includes the one that is keeping you up at night right now!

Heaven is backing you up. You have God’s support and His angels are surrounding you. Know that you are shielded, protected and loved!

Suggested reading: Luke 1:37; Hebrews 11:1; Hebrews 11:6

Giving the sacrifice of praise

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess His name.“* It took me a while to discover this verse in the book of Hebrews. When I did, I couldn’t understand the sacrifice of praise. It sounded contradictory. I thought praise was a good thing. A sacrifice implies something negative. Then I found out the hard way that praising God can be a big challenge and a big sacrifice. It is easy to praise God when everything is going well. When the going gets tough, praise goes out the window. At least that was my experience.

 It dawned on me that the Bible was referring to those hard times when the last thing we want to do is praise God. Those times when we get mad at God because something terrible happens. We get hit by a series of trials and tribulations and it feels like we were hit by a train going full speed and nothing could stop it from shuttering our world. Just like anyone else I have been in those situations when the pain is so bad that I couldn’t even say anything to God. I couldn’t pray. I couldn’t think straight. All I could do was be in pain and bask in my misery. It is during those times that our praises need to be louder. 

Praise is the right kind of sacrifice. It is a sacrifice because at times we have to do it and go against what our flesh wants. We have to put the flesh under. We have to sacrifice the desires of the flesh. Our flesh does not want to praise God. Our flesh wants to sulk and be miserable. Our flesh doesn’t want to make any spiritual effort and praise is not on its list of things to do. However, like I said, it is the best thing to do. Praising God is always the best solution and the best option. When life is good, praise God. When life is mediocre, praise God. When life is bad, praise God. 

Praise God because your spirit longs for it and it knows that you were meant to praise God. Praise God because He inhabits your praises and when you praise, you release the awareness of His presence. Praise Jesus. He deserves your praises all the time. He is good all the time. When bad things happen, don’t blame God. Praise God and thank Him because He is going to get you through the hard times and bless you with better days. Profess the name of Jesus. Continually praise Him. Let your praises be a never ending flow that ends the pressure of the enemy’s agenda for your life. Keep praising God. Keep going. God will bless you in the middle of your worst times when you keep praising Him. May God bless you and protect you and remember that Jesus is alive and well and He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Psalm 107:21-22; Romans 12:1; Hebrews 13:15*