“Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?”* If you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are an overcomer. You can overcome this world. You can overcome all obstacles, trials and tribulations. You can win many battles and you can come out of difficult situations unscathed. Easier said than done but it is the truth. For one thing, it is important to understand that we are more than conquerors through Christ. It is through Him that we overcome the world. He is our strength and our victory is only in Him. He is the King of Kings who never fails and who never disappoints. “So why am I losing my mind with every battle that I have been losing?” you might ask. The battle, like I often say, starts in your mind. Your mind is the platform that you need to focus on. Clear your mind. Clear your mind of all the negative chatter and fill it up with the words of victory of the Lord. Fill your mind with Jesus. Make Him the subject of your daily meditation.

Meditate on the fact that you can overcome through Christ. The Bible gives you a list of strategies that help you overcome. I mentioned the renewing of the mind and it is a very powerful strategy. Remember that you believe what you hear so be sure to hear the good news of the Lord and to listen to messages about how you can make it. Messages about you making it in this world thanks to the Son of Man.Self-help messages can only get you so far. Messages of help with Jesus at the center will take you to a destination of peace, hope and victory. The Lord is always telling you that you can overcome and you need to listen to Him and to thank Him for His daily encouragement.

I received a very helpful message a while ago when I was seeking God’s face. When I was seeking His kingdom and I was desperate for Him, I learned that praise was the key. Praise is the key to reaching God, to finding God, to experiencing God and to seeing God in action. Praise is also how we overcome this world. When we praise Jesus and we put Him on a pedestal, we receive victory. We have the assurance that He can do all things and that He won’t let us down. Praise Him today and you will overcome. You overcome this world by the words that you choose. You overcome all circumstances by the power behind your words. Use your words wisely and you will see how your world changes. You don’t overcome by standing on a wish. You overcome by speaking the truth of the Lord against the enemy and that truth is found in your worship, your praise, your words of faith and your stand for love. You can be an overcomer through Christ. Believe it. Believe Him and be that amazing overcomer you are meant to be.  May God bless you and protect you and remember that Jesus is alive and well and He will always love you!

Suggested reading:  Romans 8:37; 1 John 5:5*; Revelation 3:5

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