Keep the fire of God burning

I went outside yesterday morning and it was very cold. My whole body was cold even though I was wearing layers. My spirit was on fire for the Lord because He had put a great message of encouragement in my heart but my body was shaking from the cold. I praised the Lord that there was heat inside of me despite the cold. I do have to say that I have had times when my spirit was cold. I have tried to put on layers that would keep my spirit on fire for the Lord but the layers didn’t help. What do you do when your spirit is so cold that you can’t get excited about the Lord? Those moments of “cold Christianity” are real. During those moments we are not even lukewarm, we are plainly cold in our Christian walk and nothing seems to get us going. I remember the most recent episode of coldness. The main problem was that it attacked my faith by making me doubt. The cold spell came with cold words toward the Lord. Negative words came flowing into my mind. Each one of them is trying to separate me from the Lord. When we are cold, we need layers and we need heat. Where does the best spiritual heat come from? It comes from the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is described as fire in the Word of God. John said that Jesus would baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came down and rested upon the believers as fire. God is called a consuming fire. There is an undoubtedly powerful fire associated with the Lord and that is what we need when we have gone cold spiritually. We need the consuming fire of the Lord. His fire will burn all the negativity, all the doubts and all the worries. If you are going through a cold season today, turn on the heat. Turn on the heat of the Holy Spirit and get a spiritual revival going. Knock on the door and the Lord will take you into His warm abode where His fire is always burning and where love, peace, joy and hope abound. God promised that His Spirit who dwells in us will give life to our mortal bodies. Those dry bones are not going to be dry for long. Call upon the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to warm you up. Ask for a fresh fire from Heaven. When we ask in faith, He always gives. 

I talk to the Holy Spirit. I talk to the Spirit of the Lord. He is very communicative and talkative. He also points at Jesus. He stays anchored in His truth and He always has good news. The good news of the gospel of Jesus. His good news is that Jesus is alive and He came to set us free. Being cold and unexcited about God is a state we need deliverance from.  When I pray for deliverance, I expect results. I expect freedom. Ask the Lord to set you free and to warm you up. Now, since you are asking in faith, you need to act by faith and not by sight. Don’t worry if you don’t feel the fire right away. Get the fire going by praising the Lord. That is one of the best ways to get a spiritual revival going. The Lord inhabits our praises and when He comes to the scene, He comes with fire. Praise and worship every day even if your body feels cold. Your singing and your honoring God with your life will bring the fire back. Don’t give up! When you lift up the Lord with all your might, when you do your best, He does the rest. You can’t praise the Lord from your heart and not see fire come to you. God is faithful and He will help you and bless you. Get into the fire so to speak. Keep your head up. Keep your hopes up. Keep praising the Lord and you will keep the fire burning.

Suggested reading: Matthew 3:11; Romans 8:11; Hebrews 12:29

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