Keep your head up

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (Psalm 46:1-3). These are powerful verses to start the week with. We have a refuge that is constant and that is reliable. This week, friend, keep your head up. Keep your head and hold that position knowing the truth that is in those verses. You are strong and protected. That is the truth. You don’t have to look down in fear. You should be looking up because up is where you are going. Your world might be turned upside down by some sad news or by some unforeseen trials but God is going to remain your refuge and your strength this week. His help will be present Monday through Sunday. 

Keeping your head up shows confidence. It shows that no matter what, you know things will be fine. People who don’t believe in God but keep their head up, have confidence in themselves or in something that is keeping them strong. We keep our head up because we know God is our backup and He knows what He’s doing. David was a king and a warrior. I can picture him keeping his head up while facing his enemies. He knew where his power and his strength came from. He had a shield of protection that was stronger than any shield in the natural. The same goes for you and me today. We are warriors of the Lord and we have a shield that can put out any fiery darts. David fought many enemies. Our enemies today are not people. At least we shouldn’t see it that way. Our enemies can be thoughts, trials, tribulations and problems. We do have an enemy and Jesus conquered him for us. Whatever enemy you are facing this week, keep your head up. Your enemies might appear to be huge and invincible but they will be torn down. They will not win. 

Keeping our head up also means that we refuse to look down and to act defeated. No matter what comes our way we keep on praying. We keep on praising and worshipping the Lord. We keep on doing what’s good. Continue to show love. Persevere in hope. Tie hope around your heart. Let it beat in unison with love. If a problem comes up this week, remember that there’s a David in you. There is a David in you who can face any giant, any Goliath because the Lord is your shield. Sometimes it takes a problem or a giant if you will, to help you realize that there is a David in you. Keep the faith. You are a warrior of the Lord and you are fighting the good fight of faith. Keep your head up. Everything has already been taken care of! Stay strong and have a great week!

Suggested reading: Psalm 46; Psalm 91; Philippians 4:13

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