God wants you well. This might sound like an obvious statement but I believe it is easy to forget its significance. God doesn’t want us to suffer. He doesn’t want us to be sick. He doesn’t want us to be sad. He doesn’t want us to live in fear. He doesn’t want us to live in pain. Now, does that mean that pain, suffering, sadness and fear will never be part of our lives? No. They will be here as long as we live. We will always be exposed to them and we will always experience them. However, the Lord Himself said He had conquered them. We can recover from them. We can heal from them. We can win against them. That is where the good fight of faith comes in. 

When pain and suffering visit our homes, we need to fill the house with hope and faith in Jesus. We need to make faith the dominant presence in our home so that pain, suffering and doubt leave. When Jesus was walking the earth, He said “Your faith has healed you.” It is our faith in Jesus that heals and that gets the job done. God wants us well. We need to trust and believe that. Our faith in Him needs to be stronger than our fears and our doubts. We can get there. We can get there with daily devotion to God and daily interaction with Him.

Our daily interactions with God will reveal that He wants us well. We can interact with Him by reading the Word. I used to read the Bible the way I would read a novel. It was exciting and interesting but it did very little for my faith. It gave me ideas of who God was but it also depicted Him as a fictional character in a book. He is not fictional. He is real and He is alive. My daily interactions with God now while reading the Bible involve some meditation time and some prayer time. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me and to help me understand God. I want to know Him better and to trust with my whole heart that He wants me well.

There are many scriptures in the Bible about God wanting us to be well. One of them is Exodus 15:26 that says that the Lord is the One who heals us. Healing can be healing of a situation or of a condition. Once I started thinking that way, it helped me tremendously. When things get bad, I know that I have a healer who can heal my situation and in time things are going to be fixed and they are going to be great. God wants my life to be well. I know He does and that same goes for you. He wants you well all the time. If we cling on to Him and we make Him a part of our daily lives, things change for the better.

Faith is not an easy thing. Having faith in the Lord who wants us well all the time can be challenging but I am encouraging you to keep walking in faith. Keep declaring that your God wants you well and that He makes all things good and new again. You will face trials and tribulations but you have Jesus to help you handle anything and everything. Don’t fear and don’t worry. Pray and praise instead. Worship and give thanks instead. Speak life into your situation in the name of Jesus instead. God wants you well and you are going to get a better understanding of what that entails when you keep your eyes on Jesus. May God bless you and protect you and remember that Jesus is alive and well and He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Exodus 15:26; Psalm 107:20; 1 Peter 2:24

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