You have seen nothing yet

I have been back at work teaching for three weeks now. I am getting used to a certain routine. However, I don’t like getting stuck in a rut so I do my best to change up the way I teach and to make my lessons as engaging as possible. It’s easy for us to stick to a routine and to become comfortable with what we have. We expect things to go the same way pretty much all the time. Could it be that we also get complacent with our spiritual life? Could it be that we get used to a spiritual routine where our expectations are not too high? We get satisfied with how we pray and what we believe can happen. Our faith plateaus and remains at a level that produces small comfy results. It doesn’t make waves so to speak. It’s almost as if we expected the same things to happen over and over again. We have a mental list of breakthroughs that we know can take place but we don’t look beyond them. We think that we have seen it all and therefore not much more actually happens. Today I am here to tell you that you have seen nothing yet. Don’t let your spiritual routine limit what God can do for you. Start speaking phenomenons into your life. Start saying to yourself that you have seen nothing yet. When I read the Bible, the message is clear. There is much more than meet our comfortable spiritual eyes. We should expect events of biblical proportions in our lives. One verse that has stayed with me for years is John 14:12. In this verse Jesus says “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” I haven’t heard this verse being proclaimed in many churches but yet it is in the Bible and it is packed with a spiritual punch. As a believer we can do the work of the Lord. His work includes showing love, encouraging others, praying for people and being all kinds of spiritual. We can pray and see someone get healed or set free but according to this verse we should expect to do even greater works. If we haven’t seen signs and wonders in our midst then we have seen nothing yet. If we stay in faith and we develop our relationship with the Lord, amazing things are bound to happen. We will not only do great things but we will also see great things happen to us. I like the New Living Translation version of Matthew 21:22. It declares that “You can pray for anything , and if you have faith, you will receive it.” Friend, there is so much more to this life than what we get used to. You haven’t seen anything yet. The Lord is going to blow you away with blessings that will come out of nowhere. Your spiritual growth is going to take off in a way you didn’t think was possible. God’s favor is going to be manifested in ways that will keep you anchored in His safe arms. You are going to step into seasons where victory will be the name of the game. Joy and peace are going to adorn your spiritual garment on a daily basis. Your finances are going to be restored and multiplied in front of your very eyes. Your loved ones will start accepting the Lord one by one. Your creativity is going to blossom and new ideas are going to be born on a daily basis. If you think your routine is as good at it gets, well you have seen nothing yet! God knows what He’s doing.Suggested reading: Matthew 21:21; Mark 16:17; 1 Corinthians 12:10-11

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