Speak God’s language

Speak God’s language. This recommendation was put in my heart years ago when I was trying to make sense of faith and of my walk with Christ. I was on a quest for more of God. I had been walking with the Lord but I often felt like I was walking alone. I knew God was there but I had a hard time bringing Him into my life if that makes sense. He was walking with me but there was a veil between us and I had no idea how to remove that veil. I had created a barrier that was made of negative thoughts and negative words. I was not on the same page. I was in a totally different book. I was not in the Word. I was reading and living out a book of the world. I had my own insights blended with insecurities, misunderstandings and misinterpretations. The God I was walking with was real but I couldn’t see Him well. I got glimpses of Him but I was more familiar with a limited God and a God that was man made. How did I get to remove the veil? I started speaking God’s language. I got on His page. I followed His lead. I dove into His Word and swam in an ocean of wisdom and knowledge. I let His Spirit guide me and take over and the way I spoke about God, about my life and about myself is what caused things to change.

What does God’s language sound like? It is a melody of love. It is a song of peace and harmony. It is a victory chant. It is a song of blessings. It is a tune of freedom. It is a refrain of redemption. It is a song of hope. It never changes but it has millions of lyrics and they all point to Jesus. God’s language magnifies Jesus and glorifies Jesus. God’s language has a main subject and that subject is Jesus. Now, think of everything that Jesus is and everything that He represents. God’s language echoes all of that. God’s language is always positive. God’s language reflects the impossible made possible. God’s language sees that nothing is too hard. God’s language is the language of faith. It is the language that every believer should speak fluently. A lot of our problems can be solved if we change the way we speak. We are used to speaking negativity into our lives without knowing it. We put our problems on a pedestal. Through our language we dethrone God and put our fears and issues on the throne. Let’s revisit our first language and make sure that it is the language of the Lord.

I prayed that I would change the way I speak. I also spent more time in communion with the Lord by reading His Word more and by sitting still in His presence. God is the most positive One you could ever meet and you can be sure that everything He says is positive. That thought had a strong impact on my speaking. I paid attention to my words and to my thought process. I am still working on it. It is a lifelong process but the work that we have to put in is worth it. Life and death are in the power of our tongue. We can talk life into our situations or we can talk death into our situations. We can follow the Lord’s lead and speak blessings into our lives or we can go with the flow of fear and anxiety and speak misery into our lives. I use Bible verses every day. When I read Psalm 23 and Psalm 91 in the morning, I use the pronoun I. I put myself in there. I know this is for us so I claim it and it gives me a great boost of faith every time. My prayer is that you become fluent in God’s language and that love, peace and joy will be in what you say every day. Be kind to yourself by speaking of God’s love for you. Stay in peace by speaking of God’s peace in your life. Be joyful by speaking of the joy of the Lord that is your strength. Find your inspiration in God before you speak. It will change your life. May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!

Suggested reading: Proverbs 15:4; Proverbs 18:21; Hebrews 4:12

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