His will be done

“Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:10). This is part of how Jesus tells us to pray every day. Matthew 6:10 is packed with powerful words that are suggested for our benefit. His will should come before ours. How many times do we pray outside of His will and then get frustrated when our prayers are not answered? There are two main ideas here; praying in accordance to God’s will and expecting His kingdom to impact earth today. 

One question we need to ask ourselves is what is God’s will. What is His will for our lives? The Bible has a lot to say on that topic. First and foremost the Lord wants us to have an amazing life. He wants us to soar in life and go from glory to glory and not fail. His plan for us is to prosper us and bless us. Anything outside of that is not His will. If anyone tells you that God wants you to suffer and to live a miserable life, I would question that person. Knowing that His will for us is to succeed and to grow spiritually is very important. He wants to connect with all of us and show us His love. That is His will. Whenever you don’t know what God’s will is in a particular situation, remember that His will is to bless you and love you. The blessing and His love might look different from what you expected but it is His will. 

Praying that God’s will be done every day in our life is a great prayer. His will for us is to experience Heaven here on earth. This could sound far fetched to some but that’s His will. His will is not for us to enjoy Heaven’s lifestyle only when we get there. Heaven on earth is possible. God would not want us to have something that we actually can’t have. If you have never done it before, pray that you will experience Heaven on earth. Pray for signs and wonders and pray for a strong impact of His kingdom in your life today. Expect great things. Expect out of the ordinary situations that will rev up your faith. Expect God to intervene in your life in a new way. We have a supernatural God who can influence our life supernaturally. 

Suggested reading: Psalm 143:10; John 5:30; John 6:38

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