Fear not 

The Bible has a lot to say about fear and I decided to do some research on the subject. I first looked up a definition online. Fear is “an unpleasant emotion caused the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.” Fear is belief-based. It comes from the belief that something is bad. It is not believing in something good unlike faith in God. It appears to me that fear and faith have something in common. They both believe in something. I have heard before that fear is faith in the worse case scenario. It doesn’t believe in the best outcome. Fear is the trick that the enemy uses the most against people. The enemy knows that fear will alienate us from God. With fear he holds up captive. He makes us focus on the problem and not on the solution. Fear can paralyze and it can prevent all forms of advancement in life. Fear tells you that you are never going to be able to make it. It also injects the craziest ideas in your mind. It promotes negativity and it feeds on weakness. The enemy will use it when you are at your weakest and he will also use it to make you as weak as possible. It’s a double edged sword that doesn’t leave room for Hope unless you have learned that God will make a way. How can we deal with fear and conquer? We need to first be aware of what God says about fear. He talks against it throughout the Bible. Fear is the opposite of faith and so it displeases God. I invite you to find out what the Bible says about fear and take that as the truth. Now every time that the enemy tries to intimidate you with fear, hold on to that truth described in the Word and wave it in the air as a loaded weapon ready to blow up fear and worry. Isaiah 41:10 is a truth you can rely on. It says “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” When fear strikes it’s easy to forget that the Lord is with us. Let’s boldly speak against fear and declare that God is with us. He is on our side and there is nothing the enemy can do. Jesus already obtained the victory so we will not fear. We will not get discouraged because we are more than conquerors in Christ. Psalm 56:3 says “When I am afraid, I trust in the Lord.” Let’s not be intimidated by fear. It is a belief based on the lies of the enemy. Have you ever noticed that we often fear things that actually never happen? Let’s recognize what fear is and replace it with faith in Jesus. Choosing to putting our trust in the Lord will always pay off. Fear should have no control over us but at times we fear God will not come through. He will. He is no liar!Suggested reading: Matthew 6:34; John 4:18; John 14:27


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